Melin Llynon

Melin Llynon is one of the last remaining examples on Anglesey of a windmill with its machinery and is typical of the windmills of Anglesey and of north-west England. It was described in detail In the Inventory of the Ancient Monuments of Anglesey by Rex Wailes:

The Mill had been severely damaged In a storm in 1918, and for the next six years it worked only when the wind was in the south-west. In 1954 the sails and cap were lost in another storm, leaving only the four whips held in place by the cast-iron cross and the windshaft.

By 1978 the remaining sail was hanging precariously, and all the floors and beams had collapsed into a heap of machinery, stones and rotting timber. The refurbishment commenced in 1979 The mill-stones and many metal parts, including the wind shaft, spur-wheel, wallower and brakewheel, were recovered for re-use.

The restoration, which cost about £120,000, was financed by the Borough Council with money allocated from the Shell Fund, assisted by a generous grant and advice from the Historic Buildings Council for Wales.

On May 11th, 1985, the mill was officially opened. A steady breeze set the sails turning, after a lapse of over sixty years, and during the afternoon a sack of grain was fed through the stones to produce freshly-ground meal. The objects of the Council in restoring the mill both as a landmark and as a working windmill had been achieved.

lynon section
lynon final 3d 4 lynon final 3d 6a
lynon spur wheel A lynon tun A a
lynoncutaway 1
lynon cutaway 2
lynon brake
Lynon 3d4roof
lynon tentering
Lynon hoist
Lynon  roof metalwork
Lynon F89

Rex Wailes visited the mill and compiled a set of notes reproduced in:- The Inventory of the Ancient Monuments of Anglesey printed in 1937. A drawing  accompanied the text which shows the location of some additional equipment that was not included in the refurbishment. The millstones are shown in a slightly different position which cause a few problems and creates several anomalies. One of them in the text Rex states:-The wheat is ground to meal by the French stones, and, since the stones are enclosed by the casing, the meal falls down through a wooden spout to the flour dressing or wire machine on the ground floor. But the flour grader is over 2m away and so the fall of any connecting ductwork is to shallow to permit the flour to flow into the machine, Other possible problems exist with tentering. He states only two had governors' and the groat stones was adjusted manually where as all three have governors at the moment. As no record exists of the grader or the groat machines I've shown the type of used in other mills on the Island, Melin Yr Ogof and Melin Y Bont in the position indicated on the 1937 drawing,  but how the flour grader was connected to the wheat stone is uncertain The images below show the mill based on the description in Rex’s article. But maybe will redrawn in the future if the anomolies can be resolved.


rw 8 rw7
flour grader grout machine
Lynon  1937 layout
Lynon grout cupbd notes
lynon as and when1

Melin Lynon in 1976 and now

Melin Lynon is run by Richard Holt and his family.

In 2019, he took ownership of the windmill to save it from closure and now runs one of Anglesey's most charming family attractions, chocolate factory and donut shop with his family.

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